2019: GardenComm Media Awards
•Best Photography:Book (General Readership), The Gardens of Bunny Mellon, Vendome Press
•Best Photography: Portfolio, Photographs from The Gardens of Bunny Mellon
•Best Photography: Cover, The Gardens of Bunny Mellon
2016: Garden Writers Association Media Awards
•Best Photography: Book (General Readership, > 120 pg), On Walnut Hill, Hillside Press
•Best Photography: Portfolio, On Walnut Hill Portfolio
2016: International Garden Photographer of the Year
•Second Place, Beautiful Gardens, 'Sun Shower'
2015: International Garden Photographer of the Year
•Highly Commended, Beautiful Gardens, 'Potager at Patterns'
2015: Garden Writers Association Media Awards
•Best Photography Portfolio, 'A Southern Garden Portfolio'
•Best Magazine Article Photography, 'The Genius of the Place', Southern Living
2007: Time Inc. Henry Luce Awards
•Finalist, Cover of the Year, Cottage Living, September, 2006 cover
2007: Garden Writers Association Media Awards
•Gold Award, Best Talent in Photography
•Best Book Photography, Seascape Gardening, Storey Publishing
•Best Photography Portfolio, Editorial Work 2006
2005: Garden Writers Association Media Awards
•Best Newspaper Photography, ‘Worth Their Weight In Old,’ The Washington Post
•Best Magazine Photography, ‘Field of Dreams,’ Garden Design
2004: Garden Writers Association Garden Globe Awards
•Best Magazine Photograph, ‘Glorious Ginkgo’, Garden Design
•Best Cover, ‘Cool Summer’, Garden Design
2001: Ellipse Photography Exhibit 2001
•Juror’s Award, ‘In the Ginkgo Grove’, Fine Art Print
2000: American Horticultural Society
•AHS Book Award, Washington’s Gardens At Mount Vernon, Houghton Mifflin
2000: Garden Writers Association Quill & Trowel Awards
•Award of the Year, Washington’s Gardens At Mount Vernon
•Best newspaper photography, ‘Reaching For Zen’, The Washington Post
1999: Garden Writers Association Quill & Trowel Awards
•Best Photography Cover, Bold, Romantic Gardens, Spacemaker Press